Docker Preparation Guideline
Test Phase Submission Guideline
The participants should have some experience in the docker operations. The final docker tar file size must be less than 15 GB.
The docker should execute no more than 6 hours and occupy no more than 16 GB GPU Memory at best to generate the segmentation test results.
We will provide a GeForce RTX 3090 or a V100 for fair evaluation.
We are very grateful to the FLARE-challenge that has provided the materials for the docker
tutorial, we will follow these formats.
The docker should be saved with (please do not use capital letters in the teamname):
docker save teamname:latest -o teamname.tar.gz
The submitted docker should be named as `teamname.tar.gz` (teamname should be lowercase letters). The samples in the test set are evaluated one-by-one by runing the docker with:
docker image load < teamname.tar.gz
docker container run --gpus "device=1" --name teamname --rm -v $PWD/inputs/:/workspace/inputs/ -v $PWD/teamname_outputs/:/workspace/outputs/ teamname:latest /bin/bash -c "sh"
We will mount the $PWD/inputs/ [a folder contains testing cases, file structure is same as the training and validation] to /workspace/inputs/ in your docker container, and and mount $PWD/teamname_outputs/ [an empty folder used to save individual prediction results] to /workspace/outputs/ in your docker container.
Your docker container should do the following things:
1. Load each CT file (.nii.gz) in /workspace/inputs/
2. Apply the automatic segmentation algorithm.
3. Save the binary result to /workspace/outputs/. Note that the filename of binary result should be the same as the input CT file.
We will provide a tiny testset for you to prepare the whole pipeline.
There are some useful public links that we recommend for you in case you are not familiar with the docker.
Docker Example 1
Docker Example 2
Validation Phase Submission Guideline
In regard to the validation phase, we open a validation phase in the grand-challenge, in this phase, you should:
Step 1. Submit the short paper in the supplementary file of Validation Phase or Email a short paper to
Step 2. Submit the compressed binary segmentation result (e.g., on the Validation Phase. Folder structure:
TIPS: The number index is not exactly from 301-350, but the total count is 50 as scheduled.
In Validation Phase, we will return the mean DSC and precision of the results. Please guarantee your results is processed with the largest component extraction. Only the largest component of the binary results is considered, otherwise, there will raise an error.
Three time submissions on the validation set are allowed, each submission should be associated with independent short papers.